Train Hard. Play Harder.

Feel the Stoke!
Learn How to Reach Your Potential!

The SLV Rattlers are a composite team made up of cyclists from different high schools and home schools in the San Luis Valley. We focus the on cross-country aspect of mountain bike riding.
We train middle school and high school kids locally and compete against mountain bikers from Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming in the Colorado High School Mountain Biking Leauge.

Friendship, sportsmanship,
discipline, and teamwork.

The SLV Rattlers focus on individual growth, teamwork, hard work and FUN! We provide students with skills to achieve non-competitive and competitive mountain biking goals in a safe and fun environment. Training with our team provides life lessons in fitness, nutrition, self-discipline, teamwork, sportsmanship, bike maintenance and land and trail stewardship.
Join our team regardless of experience, equiptment or skill level. SLV Rattlers is inclusive from beginners to legacy riders and offers bikes and helmets for team member use.